When organizations are starting out on a new construction project, there is excitement and a lot of possibilities. So many, that it can cause people to tense up and become paralyzed by the number of decisions that need to be made.
This inability to make decisions is due to over-thinking, causing analysis paralysis.
It is a problem for organizations across the country and across industries. Leaders know the goal of their construction project, but don’t know where to start, so they start thinking out of order and then get way over their heads in the process.
In the very beginning stages of a construction project, most organizations begin by collecting different forms of data to analyze and make decisions from. Using internal surveys, making lists of needs with board members, or hiring an architect to create drawings.
This process of decision-making is very flawed and leads to analysis paralysis in most cases.
That is because companies can quickly spend $250,000 hiring an architect to do drawings based off the internal surveys and lists of needs, but they don’t realize how much their project will actually cost until too far into the process.
So, leaders continue to collect more data and analyze it more, look at where they can cut costs, try to decide what is feasible with their budget, and they keep going around in this loop. As this happens, no decisions get made and no action is taken.
At Imperien, we provide a clear and structured path forward for our clients that keeps analysis paralysis out of the picture.
We provide a cost and risk analysis to determine whether operations would most benefit from expansion of a current facility, relocation to a different facility, or new construction. By doing this immediately, we can keep projects on track from the very beginning and determine the success of the project before it gets too costly and too far into the construction process.
From there, we provide the insight needed to evaluate options and help companies decided on a course of action. Our expertise in negotiating pricing, sequence schedules, subcontracting with reliable partners, and controlling quality keeps everything on budget and on time.
Saved timed means saved money.
If your company is in the midst of analysis paralysis, contact us to learn more about how to build the most efficient facility for your company and how we can help improve your bottom line.
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